The Chateau and the Forest are two very different courses; it’s no longer necessary to go abroad to find a little bit of diversity.The Forest course is shorter and easier, the layout is extremely wooded and with quite an irregular field.
18 holes (the Château) – 6010 m – Par 72
18 holes (the Forest) – 4874 m – Par 69
9 holes (the Park) – 1188 m – Par 27
Visit language : French
1. The golf courses are accessible to members every day of the week whatever the hour. However certain restrictions are in place on competition days and aptitude rules that need to be observed. These points are explained further on this site. To ascertain the condition of the courses you can check on the homepage
2. The Club House, Restaurant and Pro-shop are open from Tuesday morning to Sunday evening.
3. The Secretariat is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. every day except Monday
Equipments and Services on site
- Shop
- Cafeteria
- Parking
- Conference room
- Cloakroom
- Toilets