Napoleon’s Last Headquarters


Dernier Quartier Général de Napoléon 2016DQGN - façadeLogos WATERLOO - Dernier QG de NapoleonDQGN - intérieur 4DQGN - intérieur 3DQGN - intérieur 2DQGN - interieur


Napoleon’s Last Headquarters is the only Napoleonic museum in Belgium. It was at this former farmhouse that Napoleon devised his strategy and drew up his battle plans.

Located 4 km from the Mound of the Lion, the museum’s authentic period interior is home to a host of items of which the majority come from the French army, and they include the Emperor’s camp bed.

In the layout of the Last Headquarters, visitors will be better able to soak up this historic location and gain a better understanding of history, while having fun. The focus is on the events of the night of 17 to 18 June and many stories from civil and military life. Audio guides tracing the course of the Battle will accompany you from room to room, following the fate of various protagonists.

To guarantee access for all, the museum has developed different reading levels for adults and children. Particular attention is also paid to those with mobility problems, the partially sighted and the hard of hearing.

Visit language : German, English, French, Dutch, Espagnol et LSFB

labels : Bienvenue vélo

Ranking :


From 01/04 to 30/09: 9:30 am – 6 pm

From 01/10 to 31/03: 10 am – 5 pm

Closed on 01/01 and 25/12.


Adult: €5

Student, senior: €4

Child (7-17 years old): €3

Child (<7 years old): free

School groups: €5

Pass 1815: Access the 6 attractions of the Battlefield of Waterloo at a very attractive price: Waterloo 1815 Memorial, Wellington Museum and Napoleon’s Last HQ.

Adult: €23 / Student, senior: €22 / Child (10-17 years): €14 / Child <10 years: free (excluding entertainment).

Equipments and Services on site

  • Accessible People with limited mobility
  • Shop
  • Parking
  • Coach park
  • Picnic table
  • Toilets


Chaussée de Bruxelles, 66
1472 Genappe

Tel. +3223842424
