Gentle damsels, ladies, gentlemen, knights, lords or simple travellers: take a step back in time at the Abbey of Villers-la-Ville!
You will be immersed in the Middle Ages in the company of the monks and knights of that time.
During this weekend, you will go back in time and discover daily life, habits and customs, gastronomy, costumes, camps, leisure activities and professions of the Middle Ages.
The show is wide: nearly 100 people will be deployed around the Abbey.
The grandeur and sumptuousness of the location will amaze you, lulled by history and its past life.
Reservations via : Les Médiévales
Adult €10.00
Senior (+65 years), friend of the Abbey, student €8.00
Child 6-12 years €4.00
Child under 6 years free